
Information on Forestation

On this page you will find various resources and information about forestation and reforestation. If you want to suggest a link that leads to a resource online that can be added to the page please email me.

The Benefits of Forests 🌳

The Benefits Of Forests PDF Cover Image

In this free PDF presentation I explain the benefits of forests. It is designed for meetings, events, group sessions, and classes. It is also good for presenting one-on-one or sharing via email.

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How to Grow Trees From Seeds 🌱 🌳

This webpage from provides a step-by-step method for how to grow trees from saplings. Though the guide was created for Tanzania, these techniques will still work for your tree-growing project.

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How to Plant a Lot of Trees 🌳 🌳 🌳

This webpage from broadly outlines 4 steps to planting a lot of trees in your neighbourhood or community. In it, you will learn that planning ahead and preparation are key.

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How to Grow a Mini Forest 🌳 🌳 🌳

This webpage from shows a simple step-by-step method to grow a native forest on your own land. It's a great way to practice forestation and establish a small native habitat in your community.

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Using Swales to Catch Water on Dry Land 💧 🌳

Swales are effective tools for slowing down water and helping it soak into the ground. This is especially effective in deserts or areas with little rainfall. Trees can be planted along swales to shade them out and prevent water evaporation. This webpage from explains how.

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How to Make and Deliver a Good Presentation 💬 🌳

I'm including this link from because I think it's important that people who access this site can present the ideas here to other people. This is especially key for generating group, community, and governmental support for forestation projects.

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