The Local Forests Global Hero Image Showing The Progression From Desert To Dense Forest
Photo Credit: Chelsea Bock From

Local Forests,
Global Cooling

In My Opinion, Forestation is the Answer to Global Warming

Are higher global temperatures leading to dying forests, or is it the other way around?

While today's generally accepted global warming theory is based on the idea of greenhouse gases, I believe the real problem lies in local forest reduction.

I believe that forests create self-generating and self-perpetuating local weather conditions. The presence of large amounts of trees causes cooling of the ground and the air, leading to less water evaporation (higher retention of water in the soil and ground) and a decrease in temperature in the atmosphere above them. Cooler air above forests encourages condensation of the water in the air, which leads to precipitation. Because of this, I believe the solution to global warming is not only a reduction in greenhouse gases.

The real solution is the restoration of — and even establishment of new — local forests.

I believe that as humans populate a local area and cut down trees, the average temperature of the area increases. The lack of trees (shade at ground level) causes this, leading to increased water evaporation and lower water levels in the soil and ground. Together with the high level of demand on water tables that local people place on underground aquifers, our actions initiate a downward spiral: the lack of trees and overuse of water causes higher temperatures, increased evaporation, forest fires, and trees dying. This in turn causes even higher temperatures and the cycle continues until the land is barren and dry.

A good example is California: it has increasing temperatures, forests fires, and lack of ground water. As forests have been cleared for farmland ground shade has been reduced and water evaporation has increased. Together with the pressure from cities on water tables, the land is drying out.

The answer to global warming is simple: we need to plant trees as much as possible, wherever possible. We need to increase the amount of shade at ground level and reduce water evaporation, decrease temperatures locally, encourage precipitation, fill water tables, and encourage plant life in general.

With enough of an increase in local forests temperatures will decrease locally. When a critical mass of local forests have been reached, global temperatures will begin to cool.

Local forests on a global scale is the answer.

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